Spanish Town Post Office w Spanish Town

JamaicaSpanish Town Post Office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

X2WV+HWG, Spanish Town, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-220-0352
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.996435, Longitude: -76.9551692

komentarze 5

  • Rockell Scotchman

    Rockell Scotchman


    Very awful if I could have given no stars I would have after multiple attempts by my brother and sister in law to collect my sons back to school package they would not give it to them they said my mother had to collect it since it was in her name even though I called the post office myself granting permission to my brother and my in-law my package ended up got stolen from the post office a couple days after. I called after the brake in and they told us the package was there it wasn’t stolen and that we are lucky then when my mother got there to pick it up the next day only to hear sorry it was a mistake it was in fact stolen.. told we were gonna get compensated it’s been months and everyone at the post office and also the head office had been given up the run around. Very awful unprofessional and a waste of land space that post office should be shut down REAL GHETTO! And I’ll never in my life use they’re services again

  • Lucia Gainer

    Lucia Gainer


    Went this morning to have amendments done to my TRN. I was there before opening time, was told tickets for TRN services are finished. This is the second time I'm going for this same thing. Called and was told that this service is not done online. Question?!!way is it that a service that can’t be done online limited in office?

  • Suddanya Martin

    Suddanya Martin


    The experience there is the worst, I ask a worker for the telephone number two of them told me they don’t have don’t have a number and gave me the 5 numbers for the head office in Kingston and none of them is working and after the website says the package has arrived and I went there they told me that the package is still in Kingston.... at least get your phone working persons don’t have time to waste

  • Mikhail Barro

    Mikhail Barro


    Structure has been refurbished and looks really great 🖒with the basic amenities installed such as a central Air conditioning unit, a more spacious waiting area etc, customer service is still not at its peak in addition to the fact that most of the time they can't find your items that was shipped from abroad. Overall I'm giving them a three🌟.🐾

  • Beverley Williams

    Beverley Williams


    The staff was polite, helpful and friendly. The service was quite efficient, granted, l went there once when it was crowded but you just have to wait your turn.

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