Starbucks w Portmore




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Municipal Boulevard, Portmore, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1-876
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9599253, Longitude: -76.9008305

komentarze 5

  • Rosemarie Robinson

    Rosemarie Robinson


    Compared to other Starbucks this one was blah. They didn't have much of anything. I was visiting my brother and since I rave about Starbucks in the US and wanted to treat him. Everything I tried to order was allegedly out. I ended up ordering him what I usually get and the appearance was not giving what it gives at other Starbucks. I will say the first 2 days I went their the guys that were working were on point. This location was clean, air conditioned and appeared to be well maintained. I did not like that I was not able to scan my Starbucks reward app. I also cannot speak on the food because I didn't order any like I usually do. The food seemed rather small in size and limited as well. Also they only carry 2 sizes of cups. Grande and Venti. No trenta or tall.

  • PupsLuv



    Sam is my favorite cashier at this location, no matter the time of day she’s always warm and welcoming while the other cashiers often have a “meh” attitude. The drinks and food options are good and reasonably priced but I do find that drinks are sometimes not made at the same quality of the New Kingston branch. Very crowded on weekends in the afternoon, and not very quiet during these times - there is outdoor seating which is limited but very nice.

  • Elisha Maria

    Elisha Maria


    Food, location, and atmosphere is great my only issue is that they never have two of my favorite items: Crispy Grill Cheese and Blonde Espresso that’s disappointing because my go-to drink is: Iced White Chocolate Mocha made with Oat Milk add Toffee Nut and Blonde Shots 😫. Other than that the Portmore location is my fav! & the Baristas are always friendly!

  • Romeo Whyte

    Romeo Whyte


    I stopped by for an early breakfast and I was not disappointed. It's one of the few places in Portmore that one can get good hot chocolate and something to eat at 8am. The environment was clean and tidy. The staff were courteous and knowledgeable. I got the jerk chicken bagel and it was pretty good. Overall it was a good experience and the price was not bad 🙂

  • Rico



    The location is good; right off the 20 route that’s seeing a lot of development, enter from Municipal Blvd, the door is on the left side facing Fontana. The baristas are helpful and the service is good. Drinks are as good as the others that I have visited so they have maintained quality. The location was busy due to being newly open, I wished they had more space/seating to accommodate the crowd as due to the location you can foresee the Spanish Town and Portmore crowd that will flock to the location so I wished they were more mindful of that. This location will be jam packed on Fridays and Saturdays.

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