Strawberry Fields Together! w Robin's Bay

JamaicaStrawberry Fields Together!



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hike Route, Robin's Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-436-6395
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Latitude: 18.3237817, Longitude: -76.8053256

komentarze 5

  • Ahkiva Williams

    Ahkiva Williams


    Strawberry Fields have been on my list of places to visit for years and I am so happy that I got the opportunity to finally visit. as a scenic lover the view is unmatched. I definitely recommend this place to anyone who is looking for a nice beach to visit. I am definitely going back

  • Michael



    Only paid for a day pass to access the beach. When on a weekday and the beach was nice and empty. Easy to swim and water is very clean. The fish was nice and affordable 👌

  • Alrick Anglin

    Alrick Anglin


    TWas a great little trip, If you are from the west side of the island like me. I would advise you to plan a few rest stops and enjoy the journey there and back (it's a long drive). Off-road and 4WD vehicles are recommended but not necessary. Lowered vehicles not recommended! Once there, the property was clean and fairly spacious. There were multiple viewpoints and beach space, but the most popular spot is straight down from entering the property. However, if you prefer a calmer area to the left, there is a northward facing opening. Try to get there early because they close at 5 unless you are checking in. Because of the northeastern situation of the property, sunrises come to life, so checking in is highly recommended 👌🏾. I would like to see some trash bins placed on the property so everyone using the property and use them rather than them leaving their trash on the tables or packing them up to go across the property to 2 little bin that can't support half the traffic of the place on a slow day. But all in all, we definitely enjoyed ourselves.

  • Iain Haywood

    Iain Haywood


    Very enjoyable stay. Nice and secluded from the main area so largely private. Close access to the sea. All very clean and maintained. There's a shop just outside the site entrance for odds and ends. All the locals were very welcoming. Great place to truly relax. I'll be returning next year as it suits my needs perfectly.

  • gabrielle doyle

    gabrielle doyle


    A magical place to discover the real Jamaica. Excellent secluded location. Good local food and a top notch Jamaican breakfast. A memorable and very special place to stay.

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