Sugar and Spice Ltd i Kingston

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

Barbican, Kingston, Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-925-6954
Latitude: 18.0310369, Longitude: -76.7749011
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Kommentar 5

  • Pier Parkins

    Pier Parkins


    Good place for breakfast and lunch. Not only pastries. They serve meals to go, plus there is a dining area if you wish to eat there. Jamaican patties are good here. Prices are low here. Lunch is typically stewed chicken, curried goat or chicken, etc. served with rice, yam, banana, vegetables. Also had a good selection of drinks.

  • Herman Anderson

    Herman Anderson


    Well what can i say it's a great place to go and grab a bite to eat in the morning you can get your breakfast lunch and dinner for person who don't want to cook are for someone who just wants to get something to eat you can also get your birthday cake there for you and your children

  • Kimberley Morgan

    Kimberley Morgan


    Delectable pastry (Cake) and patties as well as cooked meals. A must stop if you visit Kingston! Sugar and Spice and everything nice is quite appropriate here.

  • Theodore Palmer

    Theodore Palmer


    Poor parking design and layout, be prepared for delays. They have adjusted the lines in side to accommodate one queue for all meals. The servers will now call your number and you will have to wait patiently for your order to be packaged.

  • The Non-Conformist

    The Non-Conformist


    Nice quiet place win reasonably priced food. The cooked food, soup and patties are really good. Nice place for a quick meal. No complaints.

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