Super Valu Fresh Foods w Kingston

JamaicaSuper Valu Fresh Foods



🕗 godziny otwarcia

144, Constant Spring Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-619-3128
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0421633, Longitude: -76.7937979

komentarze 5

  • Adria “Traveller” Chin

    Adria “Traveller” Chin


    Love this place, one of the most professional supermarkets in St. Andrew. The staffs are mannerable and polite. The fruits and vegetables are always fresh.

  • H



    Large, clean, modern supermarket. Usually well stocked. A bit expensive but overall a great shoping experience. Staff are helpful and friendly. Our primary grocery store.

  • GreenPassportTravels



    The staff at Super Value Supermarket are not only pleasant but also incredibly helpful, ensuring that your items are packed with care and efficiency from the counter to your car. This Store also offers a safe and convenient shopping experience for both tourists and locals, especially families with kids. The store boasts a clean and spacious environment where everything is meticulously organized and clearly labeled, making your shopping experience hassle-free. From a wide array of cleaning agents to fresh groceries, fruits, drinks, and even wine, this supermarket is a one-stop destination for all your household needs. #TipforTourists- For a smooth shopping experience, whether here or elsewhere in Jamaica, it's advisable to carry your own shopping bag. This practical tip can enhance your shopping convenience and help you carry your purchases comfortably. So, come prepared and enjoy a stress-free shopping trip at Super Value Supermarket! 🛒🍇🥖🛍️ #GreenpassporTravels- Review

  • Doresa T

    Doresa T


    This supermarket has become my absolute favorite for grocery shopping. The staff is incredibly friendly and always willing to help. The produce selection is usually filled with fresh fruits and vegetables. They even carry some unique and international items. I appreciate the cleanliness and how well organized the store is, making my trips efficient and enjoyable. The location is perfect with restaurants, a bakery and other shops around.

  • Aaron Davis

    Aaron Davis


    Went there today with my father who is 94 years young and is a regular (still drive and shop). Quite a few employees know him by name and gives him excellent service. An employee chatted with me while she was stocking and never skipped a beat. She picked up on my accent and wished me Happy Thanksgiving! Clean, bright and smooth checkout. Jamaica has higher prices than America and their prices seem to be close to USA convient store prices. Items were boxed and brought out to vehicle.

najbliższy Supermarket

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