Susie's Bakery and Coffee Bar i Kingston

Åben kort
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10, Constant Spring Road, Kingston, JM Jamaika
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-926-2791
Latitude: 18.0189667, Longitude: -76.7959249
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Kommentar 5

  • Sophia Whyte-Givans

    Sophia Whyte-Givans


    It is a very welcoming environment. Eat what is on the menu or order a dish of your own design.

  • Cam Dusting

    Cam Dusting


    Fantastic place with very kind staff. Pricey, but worth it.

  • kimberly hall

    kimberly hall


    Best tiramisu in Jamaica. A little pricey per slice but it's worth it. They make their own lady fingers.

  • Sandor Panton

    Sandor Panton


    Pricey food, but it always tastes good and the service is always exceptional.

  • Sara-lee Rowe

    Sara-lee Rowe


    The restaurant was clean and the food was prepared in a sanitary manner. I had a chicken breast sandwich that tasted great but I expected it to be real chicken breast slices, however it was the thin sliced cold cuts. The smoothies there are tasty but are not 100% fruit smoothies but rather are milk based and taste more like milkshakes instead of smoothies. There is an affordable lunch buffet but I opted for the menu options. I recommend this restaurant as a nice lunch option if you are looking for something simple and tasty or if you are doing a quick coffee run. There is free wifi and the bathroom was acceptable, in addition the seating area is comfortable.

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