Terra Nova All Suite Hotel Jamaica i Kingston

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17, Waterloo Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-926-2211
Hjemmeside: www.terranovajamaica.com
Latitude: 18.0192491, Longitude: -76.7927025
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Kommentar 5

  • Vic Lo

    Vic Lo


    This was a good hotel. Nice rooms, good location, really good food and nice grounds. The only thing I have to complain about it the front desk's lack of knowledge about local places and events. When we asked them about the Peter Tosh museum they vaguely knew about it and told us it was kind of far away. It turned out to be right down the street! If we had known that we could've walked there. But, alas, when we found out where it was it was closed already. They also didn't know anything about the Dub Club which is one of the most famous reggae nights in town! And when I asked to get info for a taxi to the Dub Club they gave me the number of a driver who wanted to charge $60 one way! Luckily, we found one who charged half the amount. If they don't want to have a concierge or someone who can help with local stuff then they should be informed themselves on activities and tourist destinations. Other than that, we had a pleasant stay.

  • Dayna Nelson

    Dayna Nelson


    Wonderful place! Nothing to complain about. Great energy. It might be a bit too small but that has more to do with the number of people that turn up for events than anything else.

  • Jullett Frazer-Sadaar

    Jullett Frazer-Sadaar


    Terra Nova is a convenient, relatively small hotel in Kingston. The service is good. The staff is courteous. There is no hassle to drive to this hotel. Parking is also good.

  • R Ta

    R Ta


    The gaming lounge is a nice place to duck out and have a bite. Limited menu items, but the choices are good. No doggie bags or take-out though, so you'd better eat it all off

  • Mario Evon

    Mario Evon


    The Terra Nova is one of Jamaica's finest hotels for a boutique experience with excellent food and service. The Regency Bar is their on property lounge which has a life of its own. It has a live music night, a Latin night, good food and drinks. Even if you aren't staying at this hotel, it sometimes is a great spot to swing by on a Friday or Saturday night. It definitely has a more upscale feel and a mixed crowd from young to mature. Def a $$ up spot with a nice ambience. Absolutely recommended.

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