Texaco Gas Station w Kingston

JamaicaTexaco Gas Station



🕗 godziny otwarcia

265H+W9X, Kingston, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-978-3267
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0098125, Longitude: -76.7715625

komentarze 5

  • Toni Lee

    Toni Lee


    I love this place! It’s very central - the gas price is always good, I do feel like whenever I fill my tank here it lasts longer than other gas brands. The shops that the owner decided to add are also very convenient. Staff is always very friendly, And they just opened a juice bar inside! Now I’m going to be here everyday because it’s DELICIOUS.

  • Leon Coley

    Leon Coley


    One have said the Mart is a little expensive, but it’s a gas station not a supermarket so I think the prices are reasonable and I enjoy refilling my 5gal water bottle there. Just wish they’d get better cashiers though(they always seem disgruntled amongst themselves and cursing about something), as a customer I’d rather not be subjected to that; save it for when customers leave. Overall good gas station, the owner has a good thing going. Wish them all success and blessings

  • Érdna Yeltaehw

    Érdna Yeltaehw


    Nice place.... no complaints, always get what I came for.... popeyes there, food n Rx too... ATM and such.




    Worst gas station ever irresponsible and amateur,I was asking for 87 petrol all the way, ironically they filled my petrol vehicle with ultra low sulphur DIESEL,the manager decided to play hide and seek while I'm trying to resolve the matter and employee refused to compensate the damage. Avoid this gas station if you can unless if you have tons of money and loads of time.

  • Kwane Bookall

    Kwane Bookall


    Dingy gas station got a renovation and now it's lit. Around 3-5 mins from Liguanea. Has a brand new Popeyes restaurant also and if that's not enough there's a billboard over it with a KFC sign for a laugh. Few deals in the mart but for a pit stop it's quality. I'd give them a 5 but the parking is atrocious.

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