The Kingston and St. Andrew Parish Library i Kingston

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2 Tom Redcam Drive, Kingston, Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-926-3315
Latitude: 17.995599, Longitude: -76.7820709
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Kommentar 5

  • Rochelle Knight

    Rochelle Knight


    Was a regular member here during my childhood. This library really fostered my love for reading. I appreciate having such a valuable resource in Kingston. I only hope it's still well used and appreciated by this newest generation

  • Roxann Walsh

    Roxann Walsh


    This Library has an adult and a Junior section. The adult section is fully equipped with computers and a sitting area for quiet reading. The library has wifi access and excellent resources are available for constructive researches. News paper clipping are available for research and adequate references as well as nonfiction and fiction books for pleasure reading. The library has its own circulation, catalogue and marketing department.

  • Michael Chong

    Michael Chong


    Hated this place because the guy who deals with the bags was looking my woman and even though she declined, he still left his work station and insisted she gave him her Facebook name.

  • 17promise



    This library is a joke, the staff shouldn't even have a job as a librarians they are mad ghetto and loud. If they act this way how can they set an example for the users. They talk loud on their phones they talk to each other as if they put in the streets and it's as if they don't care that they interrupting the users who are there to actually study. Management need to do something hope this is seen and the situation will be dealt with It's Jamaica so I doubt nothing will come of it.

  • Shua M

    Shua M


    Two visits. Staff generally very unaccomodating. The place is nice though.

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