The Liguanea Club i Kingston

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Kingston, Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-926-8144
Latitude: 18.0048331, Longitude: -76.7885335
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Kommentar 5

  • davetta francis

    davetta francis


    Room is super clean, however more needs to be offered for the price and security just let's anyone walk on and off the property

  • Nicolette Bennett

    Nicolette Bennett


    Its a really nice space for activities, meetings and dining. Activities include squash, tennis, swimming, badmington, yoga and Scottish Dance. Exclusive membership.

  • Treverald Carless

    Treverald Carless


    The restaurant and bar are still not open since my visit last October. If they were my review would be 5 stars. This place is really nice!!!

  • Chike Verwey

    Chike Verwey


    As a member Liguanea Club provides modern recreational facilities, fitness & yoga classes and other amenities perfect for today's working professional. It has something for everyone including the well maintained hotel.

  • Dwayne Hill

    Dwayne Hill


    Great pool, gym, dining and bar. Good rooms not to mention squash and tennis courts. Good for family, friends and business associates

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