Tile City & Home Centre Do It Best i Kingston

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Tile City & Home Centre, 114 Constant Spring Road, Kingston, Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-925-8453
Hjemmeside: www.tilecityjamaica.com
Latitude: 18.033756, Longitude: -76.795405
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Kommentar 5

  • Carson Ricardo Green

    Carson Ricardo Green


    It's good but when u r to turn most of the time it's a one way street u r turning that's d only fault

  • Olicia Sylvester

    Olicia Sylvester


    Excellent customer and the staff is super friendly and courteous. I very much recommend this beautiful ambiance and professional service to anyone!

  • Tanika Dennie

    Tanika Dennie


    Good customer service when you are trying to purchase something but the minute you need to return the unused item trouble! Never shop here if there is a possibility you need to return something, they only provide store credit and they give you the run-around. They seem very attentive to those of a seemly higher socio-economic (paler skin tone) background which is disappointing in 2018.

  • Kenisha Lugg

    Kenisha Lugg


    The customer service is great, however at the pick up point its horrible there is too much dirt. I have a sinus problem and it definetly made it worst. The place should be pave or wet to keep down the dust.

  • Karlene Anderson

    Karlene Anderson


    Their customer service is very good to get u to buy their products but don't make d mistake d carry back d product eeh yu ll see their bad customer service ever til (I was wonder if it class yu seem to be in) they treat yu so badly.

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