Tru-Stride i Kingston

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🕗 Åbningstider

Kingston, Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-968-3277
Latitude: 18.014003, Longitude: -76.7968761
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Kommentar 2

  • Radcliffe Edwards

    Radcliffe Edwards


  • The Non-Conformist

    The Non-Conformist


    I recall shopping here few years ago for a work shoe. I was very pleased with my purchase, as the shoes were very comfortable, as first indicated by the sales person. The quality of the shoe was good and it lasted me about 3 years. I am certain it could have been longer, however I walk and stand for most of the work day. In addition to durable goods, the sales man is always very polite and helpful. I know this because generally when I am shoe shopping, this store is my first stop because of the good experience a had before. Not only does he help you to find your shoe but if they do not have it, he suggests other places which might have it and he even went as far as calling two if them for me so I don't waste time walking. The last time I visited the store was today (Dec. 30, 2017) and he delivered as always. Keep up the good work. Sadly I do not remember his name, but he is a pleasant fellow.

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