Tutti Frutti w Kingston

JamaicaTutti Frutti



🕗 godziny otwarcia

26CJ+J92, Kingston, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-946-9664
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0215237, Longitude: -76.7690971

komentarze 5

  • Antoine Chung

    Antoine Chung


    They don't have much flavours to choose from when I was expecting them to have a good variety. They just had fruit punch, mango and some cookie and cream.

  • Shawna L.

    Shawna L.


    They need to do a better job of covering the food from customers. Too open..with covid etc..that was shocking to see. Customers need to be supervised to the extent where they are touching items and putting them back, ...putting other patrons at risk. High prices. Some flavors were out and not enough replacements available. Opens later than the mall opening time. Friendly staff.

  • janeille simmsrpt

    janeille simmsrpt


    They should stop their false advertising about rewards and earning points towards next purchase. It's a scam and a lie! Ocho rios and locations in barbican for over 6 months now keep saying their system is down to redeem points. Sovereign centre's system doesn't redeem at all. Every time I visit the others they say the next time I can redeem. Scrap the points system and stop taking your customers for a fool!

  • Litete



    well this place is kinda interesting im not gonna lie. so the first time i went here there was no one in there except for this one security guard and he asked me if it was my first time there. of course i said yes and he said yeah i'm a show you around so basically you kinda have to walk in and serve yourself your own portion of frozen yogurt and they weigh it and from there they give you the price for your frozen yogurt. 2 major things: the frozen yogurt itself and its price. the frozen yogurt tastes amazing, probably a bit better or on par with ice cream from devon house, which is good considering the extent to which you have to wait in line at devon house. the first time i went i got a mix of chocolate and vanilla (it tasted nice) and i got the same thing the second time around just with some waffle bits and hot fudge and that tastes even better than the last time. so yeah the food gets an obvious 5/5, if it was possible for a 6/5 id put it there but the price for this frozen yogurt is pretty expensive. i dont recall the first time i went but it did indeed put about a 500 dent in my budget. fortunately i had about 1500 on me so i was good. next time i went there i was just gonna spend only around 400 dollars but it ended up costing upwards of 500 to 600 dollars, and i had to give them back the thing for me to fetch a 1000 dollar i had on emergency. so yeah only consider going here if you have like 500 or 1000 dollars to spend, cuz anything lower than that is so meager you might as well just get yourself a fries or a juice somewhere else. customer service is alright, could be better and it could be worse. the atmosphere itself looks nice and modern so that's a plus. overall i'd consider coming here again, definitely more often than i would devon house, but its not a 5 star just because its kinda expensive and the customer service can use a bit of work.

  • Les J

    Les J


    I love frozen yogurt and the flavors and toppings are great as well. Sovereign has a smaller store and hence smaller number of flavors than say the barbican branch but it's a nice spot to get a quick treat.

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