University of the Commonwealth Caribbean (UCC) i Kingston 5

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17 Worthington Avenue, Kingston 5, Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-906-3000
Latitude: 18.007463, Longitude: -76.781418
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Kommentar 5

  • Nick Williams

    Nick Williams


    They basically stole almost $100,000 from me by not delivering what I paid for and refusing to own responsibility for denying access to course materials despite having been paid in full prior to the start of the semester. But I've come to realize situations like these are very common with private colleges which is why many reputable colleges don't accept credits from for-profit institutions. It's also why so many for profit colleges have been shut down across the US and Canada for ripping off students. They're mostly shady and unscrupulous and UCC showed themselves to be no exception.

  • Pillar Linhares

    Pillar Linhares


    Do you accept Brazilian students? I need more informations about that.

  • Christopher James

    Christopher James


    This is my alma mater! Proud to say i went here.

  • UCC International Office

    UCC International Office


    Students from Peru, Cuba, Italy, Colombia and Argentina rave about our English as a Second Language programmes at UCC! Excellent teachers, excellent cultural experiences at the right price!

  • Leonja Adamson

    Leonja Adamson


    This is an amazing school, great lecturers, a wonderful environment for learning. I have no regrets

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