Waah Gwaan Cafe w Downtown

JamaicaWaah Gwaan Cafe



🕗 godziny otwarcia

19-21, King Street, Downtown, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-802-2385
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9662644, Longitude: -76.7933171

komentarze 5

  • Orville J. Mighty

    Orville J. Mighty


    Excellent service and real good food!

  • Aniska Christie

    Aniska Christie


    Wanted a quick lunch so I ordered the Jerk Chicken wrap. They had too much gravy in it. It began to leak through the bag before I ate it. Nevertheless, it was filled with flavor, vegetables were fresh and chicken was cooked well.

  • Ellen Duwe

    Ellen Duwe


    I walked past this cute little cafe 😍downtown Kingston on my way from breakfast one morning., I decided to go back the next day to check it out. Got myself a nice and refreshing coffee fuel , tasted yummy and keept me going until dinner . Check it out , they have lots of healty stuff on the menu 🙂

  • Chris Rodriguez

    Chris Rodriguez


    Ran into this little cafe while walking around the downtown area of Kingston and I must say it was a great experience! Everyone was super nice and friendly. The drinks were also incredible and very refreshing! Exactly what I needed for that crazy heat!

  • Nayce Rich

    Nayce Rich


    I called in to place an order. Unfortunately they didn't have the item I wanted but I got the breakfast bagel and a Super berry drink. Food was ready in 15 mins as its done to order. The drink was tasty, not too sweet and the breakfast sandwich tasted ok. The place is small yet quaint. Theres 2 chairs for dining in or siting while you wait. But id say this is more of a grab and go spot. Still, its a great addition to the downtown life. Recommendation: Call and order ahead. Bring cash.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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