Western District Post Office Kingston 20 w Kingston

JamaicaWestern District Post Office Kingston 20



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Molynes Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-224-0063
strona internetowej: www.jamaicapost.gov.jm
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0276979, Longitude: -76.823003

komentarze 5

  • Sharfua Fearon

    Sharfua Fearon


    This is the worst service ever!!!!!!!! I paid for the fast track service and three weeks after, the person still haven't received the package... I'll never use this service or refer anyone.. The customer service rep is trashy, she doesn't know how to talk to ppl... THE WORST SERVICE EVER!!!!!

  • Its Only SASHA

    Its Only SASHA


    I have only had to do the same transaction here all the number of times that I have visited. The service is not the best. Workers are pretty nonchalant, however that is level of service that I get from all the other post offices that I have visited around the corporate area. The parking is surprisingly adequate as well. Unlike others that have little to none, I was very pleased about it. The office is also dark and pretty gloomy which is a trend that I have seen with some others. In any case it is a government agency so it beyond the people who are working there control , I would believe. The service is a slow so do not go there in a haste.

  • Kimberle Elliott

    Kimberle Elliott


    Customer Service is below standard and needs to be rectified with proper training for all agents. Staff is nonchalant and lacks the required communication skills to deal with the public, I am speaking from experience.

  • Danielle Gennard

    Danielle Gennard


    Their service is acceptable but what really brought this post office down is the RIDICULOUS customs and additional charges. The total equated to almost the amount I paid for the items...

  • Web Developer

    Web Developer


    Ideal location for a post office. Not so popular with the internet and emailing. Service is ok

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