York Pharmacy i Kingston

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91, Half Way Tree Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-926-7414
Hjemmeside: yorkpharmacyjamaica.com
Latitude: 18.0100457, Longitude: -76.797525
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Kommentar 5

  • Natasha Powell

    Natasha Powell


    Poor customer service from the staff, incorrect prices on the few items that do have, other don't have any price tags. This place is very overrated.

  • Dadrianne Segree

    Dadrianne Segree


    York is definitely more than just a pharmacy, as it offers just about everything that you would need. The fact that they are open 24/7 makes it even better. However they are more on the pricey side, as are most pharmacies. So don't go there expecting to pay supermarket prices.

  • Norb Photography

    Norb Photography


    Fantastic customer service. I love buying Picture frames here.

  • Shamara Forrester

    Shamara Forrester


    Love the fact that they are open 24/7. They have a wide variety of products.

  • grace mercy

    grace mercy


    It's a nice pharmacy but I think they need to put the prices on the items it's too much of walking up an down, or get a scan machine so it would be a little better ,I think because some of the items the prices are high they leave it for you to take it by the cashier .

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