Apex Health Care Associates w Portmore

JamaicaApex Health Care Associates



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Braeton Parkway, Portmore, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-740-6409
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9637417, Longitude: -76.8937806

komentarze 5

  • Rowe



    Dr D.O’Conner is the best, she listens to every issue and doesn’t dismiss any concerns, you may have. I have been a patient for years, she’s like a friend and mother in 1. When I stopped going to high school, she encouraged me to go back ; which I did thanks to her. If I go to Apex and she’s not there, I won’t see anybody else. Sorry but she’s the only doctor, I trust with my life. (PS: If you’re reading this, sorry for chatting off, your ears during every visit lol)

  • ionie wright

    ionie wright


    I was a patient for over 20 years and they had good doctors like Dr. Newnham and Prosper-Chen. Dr. Swaby (female) isn't so bad. However some of the front office staff have no manners and carry out their work in a very inefficient manner. I've stopped going there 2 years now because I went there in 2021 and the doctor attempted to examine me under a transparent tent which was placed near the corridor, so persons walking or driving by could see what was happening inside the tent. When I objected, she offered to return my money. I haven't been back and have no intention to do so. Unfortunately my wonderful chiropractor works from that office and I need to see him soon😢

  • Donny Stubbs

    Donny Stubbs


    I only started seeing them sometime in May or June and so far I've had no real problems with them. Just please answer your phone. Like right now I'm trying to call to cancel an appointment I had for today because something came up and no one's answering. Only a recording

  • Lormour F

    Lormour F


    Dr. Swaby has no beside manners and extremely unprofessional she told me that she can’t help me any that I should go back over seas where there is free resources cause Jamaica is not for me. Also went on to tell me that Dr Prosper Chen is frustrated with me and that her Gp license is not fit for . She that I have been seeing them for years and I’m not getting better. She holds on to the fact that my mother asked her a question 12 years ago

  • Troiann Hunter

    Troiann Hunter


    Great doctors but horrible staff, the front desk/receptionist have no respect for patients, they move extremely slow, they dont know how to speak to patients and have no clue how to multitask, you can expect your wait time to be extremely long even with an appointment. I've been coming here for the past 10 years or more and this current staff is ridiculous, they make no heist to register patients in a timely manner so don't expect to get through in less than an hour

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