Edgeport 2012 Medical & Dental Centre w Portmore

JamaicaEdgeport 2012 Medical & Dental Centre



🕗 godziny otwarcia

167, Cecille Avenue, Portmore, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-708-9665
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9585395, Longitude: -76.8757582

komentarze 5

  • Chanique Grant

    Chanique Grant


    Since moving to Portmore, I’ve started using this office. The doctors here know what they’re doing and the price range is average. The wait time isn’t long as other medical offices. The staff is okay, not bad but not great either.

  • Jovine Bailey

    Jovine Bailey


    I've been visiting here as my preferred office for years. First it was Doctor Levy & now Dr. Jones. I do do see other doctors when Dr. Jones is not available. It's an okay experience, nothing special about the experience... The staff is cold and none friendly and the wait time is usually average. I've also tried their dental service before. The experience was good. The lady was warm and friendly but a bit too salesy. I recommend giving them a try if you don't have a dedicated doctors office.

  • Latoya Fletcher

    Latoya Fletcher


    I also get through in a short period of time...and the meds prescribed to me and my kids normally work. Very caring and detailed doctors

  • Shanee Brown

    Shanee Brown


    Great service, I normally see Dr Reid but Dr Levi wow me. He took the time out to listen and understand me well before diagnosing me. He works very hard, hence sometimes I have to say let me wait a sec; have a taste of your breakfast or else I won't utter another word until u do.

  • Gillian M. White (Occasions by Gilly Ann)

    Gillian M. White (Occasions by Gilly Ann)


    Been going here since I was a child and now my family goes here. ..Great Physician Dr. Vernon Jones

najbliższy Szpital

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