Portmore Hospital Complex w Portmore

JamaicaPortmore Hospital Complex



🕗 godziny otwarcia

X49J+M69, Portmore, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-704-9365
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9691567, Longitude: -76.869389

komentarze 5

  • Samantha “Samii” Reid

    Samantha “Samii” Reid


    Receptionist staffs are easy to talk to and there was a male I spoke with he was very informative they set and reminded me of my appt. I am pleased with their communication skills.

  • Nickisha Nembhard

    Nickisha Nembhard


    We made an appointment for 2PM, we were not seen until minutes to 4PM. There was no communication from the staff, I had to keep checking to find out what's the hold up. All we were told is that we had to wait.

  • David (DK)

    David (DK)


    Do yourself and your loved ones a favour and look elsewhere for help. Not open 24/7 as advertised. Not clear if they're open at all

  • Secani Prince Ali

    Secani Prince Ali


    Good Doctors that show care for the patients. Dr. Richards, Soman, O'Hara good people. Check Ds Pharmacy great staff 💯 Can get X-Ray and Blood Test among other test done. Plus Dentist on property. If disabled pose problems to get to Erin Radiology and Portmore Smile Dentist. All in all good health facility

  • Reshematt Mckenson

    Reshematt Mckenson


    I always had a great experience, until I saw Mrs brown, awful attitude. After googling and coming up with a diagnosis she wanted to try to guilt trip me into doing something I was uncomfortable with. The only good doctor there is the gynecologist which is amazing. I would never spend my money unless it’s with the gyno there. She made me want to fine another institution for me and my family.

najbliższy Szpital

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