Beruit Mediterranean Cuisine w Kingston

JamaicaBeruit Mediterranean Cuisine



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market place, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-596-5956
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.022123, Longitude: -76.7977974

komentarze 5

  • mohamad khezri

    mohamad khezri


    I’v never had a bad experience with the Lebanese food. The location is good for a solo to a large group sitting. The music was not good I expected Lebanese music to be played.

  • Delecia Wisdom

    Delecia Wisdom


    The beef stroganoff and shawarma are really excellent! I've wanted to try Mediterranean for a while now and this place did not disappoint! Service was a little slow and the decor was a little strange in my opinion, but the food (the main feature of any restaurant) was REALLY EXCELLENT! My friend ordered the crispy chicken - which are essentially really dry chicken nuggets... I wouldn't recommend those unless it's a child's meal because it was uninspiring. Their pita and meats were excellent. Even the vegetables were delicious! I'll definitely be going back! The price is within the range you'd expect from restaurants, if not slightly cheaper.

  • Sims Glam Wall

    Sims Glam Wall


    Everything was horrible from the minute we walked, why didn’t we leave? We thought some how the food would exceed our expectation despite all the other red flags. We entered and while making our way upstairs (my husband and I and toddler) we were ushered back down by the young dark skin mistress (guess she’s a team lead/floor supervisor) as she claimed “it’s full”, but somehow we knew it wasn’t true, just mere classism. Nevertheless we found ourselves a seat. We were served by a young guy who seem pretty new as I’m not sure what really went on in his head up to this point. Can someone tell me why we were served our food first, with no water or our juice, I ate my meal and sat there waiting for 50mins to get my drink? In addition, I reminded the young mistress and young guy who served us twice and 10 mins later still nothing. We were so thirsty to the point where we decided we’re going to leave. Not to mention when he finally came with my husband second meal , he brought the wrong thing but even at this point still no juice or water. He went back and returned with correct item and yet still no juice or water. We felt pretty much ignored and mistreated. I will never in a million years put my feet there or recommend anyone there.

  • Oriana Shamoun

    Oriana Shamoun


    I like the place, great location. I ordered the lentil soup. Really Nice! I then ordered falafel sandwiche, it was good but I neeed extra garlic sauce & more spice. It was a nice Middle Easter experience felt like home. I like to wash my hands before & after dining & the first bathroom I went into didn't have running water 🙃 O BOY! But the next one did 💧 💦 I have high expectations. Overall, Jamaica does not serve well in the washroom department 😔

  • Michael James

    Michael James


    Google maps said they open at 11AM on Saturdays but they were closed when we got there at 12:30PM. We had to wait until about 1PM or so. The staff were friendly and courteous. The food portions weren't great but they certainly had a good variety of Mediterranean dishes to choose from. The food tasted okay.

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