Little Tokyo Restaurant w Kingston

JamaicaLittle Tokyo Restaurant



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Constant Spring Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-908-0721
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0178032, Longitude: -76.7952574

komentarze 5

  • O'Dwayne Wilson

    O'Dwayne Wilson


    Quality has gone down by ALOT. Food was horrible. Had to throw away the chicken had weird texture and inside looked gray. The only thing decent was the the fried rice. Last time I am eating there

  • Gerald Cameron

    Gerald Cameron


    Good food but favourite menu never usually available

  • en

    Jeffroy Johnson


    There is really no star for this restaurant but had to select at least one to post review. I am very disappointed and dissatisfied with both the poor customer service and the consistent diminishing quality of the food served by Little Tokyo, all restaurants. I have been to all the branches in Kingston, one in portmore, one in savanna la mar, one in Ocho Rios and one in Montego Bay. I work across the island spending a lot of dining time eating out. When little Tokyo first started out they offered good, clean food. Yesterday May 20, 2018 I visited the Washington Blvd branch. I was very reluctant but the kids agreed to try their food once again. We were cautious because of the bad experience we had at the same location last time we dined there. Similar to experiences I have had at the other branches. It was just after midday so restaurant just open and if we were not the first clients we were among the first. First thing the staff was very unpleasant, like some have her standing on a bomb behind the counter. The meal options were very limited and did not appear attractive. We bought three (3) different meals and left. All three meal spoilt, only one meal of spaghetti and sweet n sour chicken was not completely spoilt because my daughter had some of it before the remaining amount spoilt. This happened a few hours after purchase, around 4:00. It is clear that we were not served fresh food. I took pictures of the meals but I am not seeing how to post it with this review. This experience has sealed my decision NEVER to purchase any meal at little Tokyo. Beware of being the first in line at these restaurants when they just open for the day. Apparently something went south because not only that the quality of their food and service has depreciated but also the number of restaurants has drastically declined.

  • en

    Movements Genna


    Well its not a bad joint to eat, but their cuisine needs something new. they've got a FAT-BOY sandwich house, but i think they might need to install their own bakery. "The bread goes too quickly" I guess that's why the sandwiches are a hit.

  • Norman Malcolm

    Norman Malcolm


    This a go for most individuals in the food court. This is as a result of their service and friendliness. The other Asian restaurant in the Food Court is far behind the quality and service offered here

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