Tastee w Kingston




🕗 godziny otwarcia

2662+7WH, Kingston, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1-876
strona internetowej: www.tasteejamaica.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0106751, Longitude: -76.7976294

komentarze 5

  • Vaughn



    I must say I was pleasantly surprised, even though the line was long at the start of lunch hour, I got through in a snap and was served even quicker. My cashier was awesome. Kudos tastee Cargill team, great job.

  • Thoughts Aloud

    Thoughts Aloud


    The flavour of the fried chicken was seriously lacking - very very poor. I’m so surprised as it’s really hard to get bad food in Jamaica. I will never buy a meal from the again (fried chicken with rice and salad). The salad consisted of a single thin slide of a tomato, which was cut in half. Do not intend to buy from them again.

  • Malawi Britton

    Malawi Britton


    I don't appreciate the vibes at this location at all. It just feels cramped and there's always a crowd which causes long waiting times. If you're looking to get something in a hurry this might not be the best location for you. Their patties are still the best though, assuming you're willing to wait for it.

  • Rochii Thomas

    Rochii Thomas


    This building occupied by Tastee is one of the oldest buildings in Half Way Tree. Even from the days of Skateland and way before the Transport Centre. It is located a very convenient space. Walk in, get your food and get back on track to your destination.

  • Rhys Young

    Rhys Young


    Quite possibly the very best patty company in Jamaica. Hands down! ... Wait time can be a drag though, I guess I'm not the only one who thinks it's the best patty company there is lol

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