SoSo Seafood Bar & Grill w Kingston

JamaicaSoSo Seafood Bar & Grill



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4, Chelsea Avenue, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-968-2397
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0055894, Longitude: -76.79207

komentarze 5

  • Peter Baptiste

    Peter Baptiste


    Despite its çurious name, great food, interestingly prepared and presented.

  • Ashley Brown

    Ashley Brown


    Lobster was great. Loved how they separated it and stuffed it with the vegetables. Daughter ordered the pasta and wanted it served without the sauce and they were unable to accommodate her 5 year old request.

  • Ahkiva Williams

    Ahkiva Williams


    Well This place was overall a chill vybe . I love how attentive the waitress was she made us feel welcome the moment we stepped in. Came here to celebrate My Moms birthday and she picked this restaurant and I do not regret it. Food for me was good I ordered wings and My mom really enjoyed the fried fish with bammy as only the bones from the fish lived to tell the tale‼️😂 I would definitely recommend and I will be back to do a more detailed review.

  • Melissa Milwood

    Melissa Milwood


    Soso seafood never disappoints. The food is very good, I especially love the coconut escoveitched fish. The curried fish comes in at a close second. The staff is courteous and the ambience pleasant 🙂

  • Roux_504



    Fantastic spot. The service was great and the food was top notch. Our server checked on us several times and even recommended a dish to try that turned out to be Fantastic. Its was a great atmosphere since the world cup was on. This is always the best spot for seafood in Kingston

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