Golden Bowl Restaurant w Kingston

JamaicaGolden Bowl Restaurant



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7, Cargill Avenue, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-960-1030
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0060379, Longitude: -76.7967929

komentarze 5

  • Destiny Bennett

    Destiny Bennett


    This is your typical cheap ole school Chinese restaurant! Went here because of a reel I saw on IG saying you could get a dinner for 2 with an appetizer for $3000. That turned out to be correct however the portion size 🤣 was minute. The meats came on a saucer sized plate. Flavorwise the food was average.

  • Sarah Todd

    Sarah Todd


    Excellent food great service don't know about the atmosphere as we only did take out but it was delicious and very reasonably priced

  • Donette Facey

    Donette Facey


    We went a bit near to closing time but the staff accommodated us with a few smiles.The food was ready in no time and I must say we all enjoyed it.

  • Natalie Smellie Sinclair

    Natalie Smellie Sinclair


    The staff here was very pleasant and courteous from the security at the entrance to our server Moleeka... even the chef came out to do his check-in. The serving portions were quite generous and we had extras to take home . We had soup for starters ( chicken and sweet corn for me and beef and ginger for him). For the main course I had the four meat choi fan and my husband the special chop suey. To top things off I had a melon beer and he had a limeade . If you are in Kingston it's worth a visit.

  • Tashi Campbell

    Tashi Campbell


    Reasonably priced menu. Warm and friendly environment. Nice place for family and friends to dine and talk. The food was tasty.

najbliższy Restauracja

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