Simply Delicious Bakery w Kingston

JamaicaSimply Delicious Bakery



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1 1/2, Altamont Crescent, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-926-1869
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0023458, Longitude: -76.7863086

komentarze 5

  • Rochelle Wright-Whyte

    Rochelle Wright-Whyte


    Great little bakery. They tend to run out of the more popular items like their Chelsea buns pretty early in the afternoon though. So if you want any of those treats, go early! Their lobster patties are pretty popular as well.

  • Zoe



    The pastries I had here were the highlight of my entire year no joke. I recommend the red peas loaf, cheese bread, and Danish. You won't be disappointed if you try the patties either, they're better than most of the popular franchises.

  • Tasia D

    Tasia D


    Visited in 2014 to get a slice of white vanilla cake. I wanted that authentic old-fashioned white cake full of spice and rum. It was a disappointment even although the lady said that the cakes are make from scratch. The icing was not flavoured and was too bland. I remember how cake makers use to make flavourful Jamaican white cake for birthdays when I was growing up.... now the cakes are being made too plain. Icing is suppose to be royal icing with flavor. I am going to try Price Smart and see how theirs taste.

  • Michael Campbell

    Michael Campbell


    Best Hole-In-The-Wall bakery in Kingston, each item done to perfection, To-Go style setting!

  • Shauna Cummings

    Shauna Cummings


    A hidden gem in some sorts, always have provided delicious food, but the prices in my eyes were a bit outrageous. $270 dollars for a chicken patty? Madness. Not to mention that the place seemed 'run down' and in need of some modernized all 'round. It was only because I knew of the quality of their goods why I didn't turn right back out and head elsewhere.

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