Bogue Village Supermarket w Montego Bay

JamaicaBogue Village Supermarket



🕗 godziny otwarcia

C3WJ+MFV, Montego Bay, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-940-6469
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4467463, Longitude: -77.9188344

komentarze 5

  • cornel forbes

    cornel forbes


    Only needs someone to organize its parking facilities

  • Kerah T

    Kerah T


    It's convenient. Maybe not the best prices but they are comparable, for example, to shoppers fair. Plus they are open late. Also, the staff is friendly and nice. If they don't have a product and you recommend it, you can expect to see it. It's not the cleanest and could also use some new fridges/freezers.

  • David Corbett

    David Corbett


    It's very convenient if you reside in the Bogue Village area. Got most of what you need at an affordable price plus a restaurant close by and other facilities.

  • Whiterock Montegobay

    Whiterock Montegobay


    I did not go inside. I was purchasing ice. Car park is small. But if you wait parking will become available. Very convenient if you dont want yo go into the city. They sell ice which is convenient. Its a full supermarket. On the outside There are a few cars/vans w people selling fruits vegetables convenient. At rhe time (oct 2022) intersection road pretty bad large potholes. Be patient😆

  • Petal Russell

    Petal Russell


    Filled with a variety of things. Very convenient, there's even a restaurant on the same plaza.

najbliższy Supermarket

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