JN Bank w Montego Bay

JamaicaJN Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

West Green Avenue, Montego Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-906-5343
strona internetowej: www.jnbank.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4605751, Longitude: -77.9257029

komentarze 5

  • Scott E

    Scott E


    Had a pre booked appointment for 11am today at the Catherine Hall branch. It is now 1.42pm and I am still waiting. Fortunately somebody left today's Gleaner on the seat beside me, so I've been kept entertained and informed about the goings on of the island. The staff here are super friendly. What was naively expected to take 10 minutes, took 5 hours all in all.

  • Everald Finnikin

    Everald Finnikin


    Very wide variety, love the bake product corner, very spacious isles, lots of choices, hone office, kids, women, men and house wear can be found. Garden and the do it yourself items are also available, animal toys, feeds, foods and more, you name it, they have. Also a pharmacy inside, a restaurant and mobile phone corner for credit and more, lots and lots of parking space, plus the opening hours are just great.

  • Lucille Hayles

    Lucille Hayles


    Great place to shop. It offers everything for your convenience such as a food court, bakery, pharmacy, supermarket and wholesale buying plus you can get furniture and there are other small stores such as lime and digicel booth plus a hair shop and a jewelry store. There is also ample parking and they offer flexible hours at christmas time.

  • Kera



    Clean and has pretty much everything you need at a price that isn't terribly unreasonable. It's good for buying in family sized portions. It has a pharmacy and great food court too

  • Bianca Brown

    Bianca Brown


    I like this place because it sells a wide variety of things to choose

najbliższy Bank

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