Scotiabank - Montego Bay Branch w Montego Bay

JamaicaScotiabank - Montego Bay Branch



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Market Street, Montego Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-952-4440
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.473644, Longitude: -77.92261

komentarze 5

  • Anya



    Takes forever to get through here

  • apple pie

    apple pie


    This isbone of the worst bank when it comes on to time to serve customers, if you ever going to scotia bank at Sam Sharpe Square please take the entire day off. Sometimes only two teller working, an it seems the transaction the customer in front them can take up to three hours more time.

  • Stephanie Coates

    Stephanie Coates


    Worst experience ever!!! Tried to open an account I went to other branches several times was unable to get through due to their slow services. Security tried to get someone to assist me the representative that came was very rude she didn't even acknowledge that I was there. I wish I never have to use this company kmt..

  • Toni-Ann Fowles

    Toni-Ann Fowles


    The wait time was UNBELIEVABLY LONG, more than 3 hours, standing might I add. No information is being passed to the customers waiting to know what is happening. Overall a horrible experience and I hope I NEVER have to go back there.

  • kim chen

    kim chen


    No working restroom for my 82 year old mother who just barely recovered from broken bones and walking with a cane. Not allowed to use the employee restroom. In fact was told there was no employee restroom. Was told to go across the street to use the restroom only to find that place was closed. She sat there over 2 hours. Slow service, bad service when there is service. Withdrawing all my money right away. Don’t put your money in any Scotia Bank. At least in St Ann’s Scotia bank she got to use the restroom but the service is just as bad. Use NCB or JNB if you want your money to be safe and if you want to use the restroom

najbliższy Bank

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