Scotiabank w Montego Bay




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Montego Bay, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 888-472-6842
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 18.4568142, Longitude: -77.9272432

komentarze 5

  • Marsha Lee

    Marsha Lee


    When it comes to the exchange rate, they are a total rip off. They give $136 for every $1 USD which is valued at $151. The drive thru is very questionable because sometimes it’s working and other times it’s not. Here’s a tip, send the money to yourself through western union or money gram. I’ve been doing that ever since Scotia bank scarred me and has me waste $100 usd on fees. Like my review is this tip was helpful.

  • Ricarda Daley

    Ricarda Daley


    Wish I could give zero stars. Scotia Bank makes a backward development. I waited 4 (!!) hours today just to go to the teller. No special transaction. Its unbelievable how uncoordinated they work. They give you a ticket with letters and numbers and you have the feeling your turn is a lottery game. People who came 2 hours after me, went through in 30 minutes. What a bad customer service! When lunch time came, almost every teller disappeared. Plus sitting there for 4 hours waiting for the simplest transaction I got so freezing cold, I could hardly move my fingers. The AC in there is much too cold. So be aware, bring food, drinks, blanket, thick socks and a sweater. It might be a long cold day for you at Scotiabank. In NCB there is one line and you get served quick sequentially. But Scotia is far from that. Nothing changed at Scotia the past 40 years. Embarrassing for a big bank like that.

  • Earl robb

    Earl robb


    Scotiabank really deserves zero stars but that's not an option. Actually if I could rate a service below zero I'd definitely drop a -100. Severely understaffed, the worst customer service, poor communication to their customer base and unfortunately this will remain the status quo unless account holders start leaving this establishment in significant numbers to affect the bottom line

  • Brother Adam

    Brother Adam


    We had problems and got there to make a payment at 2:29, not knowing they closed at 2:30. The security guard, when we explained the situation, helped us inside, and we managed to pay the fees and get the receipt to a government office for paperwork that had already cost us a day of driving all over Montego Bay, when we live in St. Mary. Thanks to the staff that saved our day.

  • Tajay Cameron

    Tajay Cameron


    More while man wait inna this long line outside inna hot car just to use one ATM machine. Me drop two star on this feedback

najbliższy Bank

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