JMMB Montego Bay - Fairview w Montego Bay

JamaicaJMMB Montego Bay - Fairview



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Alice Eldemire Drive, Montego Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-998-5662
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4559529, Longitude: -77.9257676

komentarze 5

  • Raylon Dennis

    Raylon Dennis


    The security, customer agents and teller are courteous and have great customer service. The automated registration machine helps with the queue and it sends a message to your phone when it is your turn. Overall this is my #1 bank/investment company.

  • Escape



    Very professional services and staff. Comfortable atmosphere for conducting transactions and business.

  • Marsha Simpson-Wright

    Marsha Simpson-Wright


    First thing I want to point out are the securities at this location, they are exceptional, very pleasant and courteous. The bank has a nice set up, but service can be faster.

  • Nicay's Court

    Nicay's Court


    Entering this establishment, one gets the *assurance* that you are welcome, your business is important and a how can we help you attitude from the receptionists. If this *assurance* has a name it is Sheree, the petite JMMB branch Ambassador who worked the floor as a giant, assisting and informing the waiting customers like a pro. I too was assisted by this professional young lady, with such calming, assuring execution of her duties and checking in (on each of us waiting) periodically, that the long, somewhat overbearing wait, was tolerable. I was made to understand that the excessive wait was because some staff had to perform dual role that day. Thanks JMMB ! you're still my # , after over 20 years and counting. Paulet H

  • Marlon S

    Marlon S


    Staff is always pleasant, knowledgeable and courteous.facilities clean and inviting. I opened an account in less than 20 minutes on a Friday January 8th.

najbliższy Bank

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