Sagicor Bank w Montego Bay

JamaicaSagicor Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Shop #10 17 East Harbour Circle, Montego Bay, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-952-4700
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4734339, Longitude: -77.9253159

komentarze 5

  • Calcium Pepsi

    Calcium Pepsi


    I've experienced some issues with their follow-up services. The wait time to speak with someone at the contact center via phone call is excessively long, often exceeding an hour. Furthermore, they deducted money from my card and took a considerable amount of time to update my account. I had to consistently follow up with them to resolve the issue.

  • Davya Shrives

    Davya Shrives


    The montego branch is really bad with teller big monday morning and only 3 teller... them live wast people time..

  • Sherona Baker

    Sherona Baker


    So far this is the best bank I've used... customer service is 👍 and lots of value regarding investing and insurance. You won't regret it. I pray they continue to exceed expectations in every good way possible 🙏

  • Tajay Cameron

    Tajay Cameron


    Good thing them build sagicor bank near to inna town no jokes, To go over by fairview coming like waste time when me already deh inna town. Outside wid mi thing inna gyal dem mouthside

  • Roxanne Anderson

    Roxanne Anderson


    By far one of the worst banks I ever used.. you can not get through to speak with someone over the phone and when they tell you to do a online chat and you do, the chat agent is no help. He or she (operator #3) was of no help at all. That person literally gave me 2 out of service numbers to call after denying me a call back and told me they are unable to help me over the chat because of security issues... It is a bank if you were worried about security do not use online chat. After asking #3 what can they assist me with.. this ill mannered person end the chat. They took my money off my card. There is nothing showing in my transaction history and they were no help.

najbliższy Bank

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