Sagicor Bank w Montego Bay

JamaicaSagicor Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

F34F+4WF, Montego Bay, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-979-8810
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.455315, Longitude: -77.9252053

komentarze 5

  • apple pie

    apple pie


    One of the worst bank in history, I requested for a refund from a online merchant received confirmation of refund from them, provide it to sagicor kept being told refund not received and I just have to dispute the charges in order to get back the refund.why must I dispute the charge did I at any point say i wasn't the who made the payment.

  • Olivene Crooks

    Olivene Crooks


    I'm really dissatisfied, I'm on the phone trying to get a matter with my account deal with from 2:15 and I've been on the phone from for over half an hour after being transferred from two different persons telling me that they are transferring me to the correct department after being on hold too long, I hangup and call back and it's the same procedure. Was still on the phone waiting even after three and didn't got anyone to assist me and I'm still hearing to continue holding and someone will be there to assist you momentarily. This is very tacky & I'm really upset because this was a matter that I really needed to be taken care of and I didn't got any assistance.

  • Jamie Smith

    Jamie Smith


    Sitting at #9 to get a bank card at this moment. So why not give it a review. Im not liking the way the bank cards were voided without notice but to get a new one you have wait all day in line and this bank is slow. If your looking for speed don't bank with them. The customer service is mediocre as long as your jamaican if your any other culture expect major hiccups in your transaction. Sagicor needs help making the customer have a pleasant experience no matter where you cone from. They can do better!

  • Kimone J Brown

    Kimone J Brown


    The credit card reps talk to people like me a thief... I've never been late with a payment on my card and the one time me late, numbers sending me text talking to me like I'm some crook. Once I pay it off I'm giving it back to you guys.

  • Andrae H

    Andrae H


    I have never been to a bank and it took me under an hour to get through until I went to this Sagicor location. It was my first time dealing with this bank on a whole and this experience was nothing but phenomenal. The help desk assisted me with all my query’s and gave me all the information I needed in full details. The lines were not as stagnant as the other major banks but rather it moved very quickly. The teller that assisted me was very welcoming and yes, I know it’s her job but you can tell she was sincere about it. I was not treated like another customer but rather like a member of the family even though I wasn’t at the time. Surprisingly the experience left a huge impact on me and I’ve been recommending the institution to almost everyone I know. Great bank, great staff and very beautiful location. Well done Sagicor team.

najbliższy Bank

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