First Caribbean International Bank w Montego Bay

JamaicaFirst Caribbean International Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Alice Eldemire Drive, Montego Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 866-743-2257
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.453962, Longitude: -77.9261419

komentarze 5

  • Nicholas L.O. Campbell

    Nicholas L.O. Campbell


    There should be a half star option. Extremely poor service and wait times. The only silver lining was Moya Wilson who has been a pleasure to speak with. Management could care less about the ridiculous and lengthy processing speeds. I applied for a loan in January and it's almost May, and still I have no clue if it was approved or not. No communication unless I go in branch only to be told it hasn't been actioned yet. I stopped wasting my time with them a long time ago.




    I had the worst experience here, and left after wasting almost 2hrs standing for customer service. I was about to pass out and spoke to a teller that told me their card printing machine was down. That means a 2-3weeks wait for a new card. There's only 1 customer service desk, so good luck if someone is taking long. There are only 2 small couch seating, standing is the only other option. There are no agents to walk the floor to try and clear the crowd. This is not the bank I loved, HIRE MORE STAFF, your bank is now a disaster and an absolute waste of time.

  • Sang W.

    Sang W.


    Pack a whole lot of patience!!! I don't understand why management won't figure out some logistics in keeping the wait time in line less. Here is a suggestion, have transactions requiring more than 7 min, move over to a Customer Service Rep on the side to help them. Have managers jump in to help also lessen the line. Time is money!

  • Meisha Chambers

    Meisha Chambers


    This bank use to be a great destination to deposit and do banking. After closing the branch downtown it became a bother to bank with this bank. I think I will be switch to a bank that has a more modern and holistic approach to people's time. The service is slow, the staff and overwhelmed by customers.

  • Tajay Cameron

    Tajay Cameron


    All now me no take look inside but see few outside view yah people

najbliższy Bank

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