Boulevard Dental Care w Kingston

JamaicaBoulevard Dental Care



🕗 godziny otwarcia

45, Elma Cr, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-392-6493
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0262792, Longitude: -76.8327489

komentarze 5

  • Petal Dockery

    Petal Dockery


    I love my experience at Boulevard Dental. The customer service was excellent. Dr Roberts explained everything that was going on in my mouth. Mrs French did an exceptional job with my cleaning. Definitely will return. And I 100% recommended this office to everyone.

  • Shannan Dawkins

    Shannan Dawkins


    Hygenist Mrs.French did an exceptional job. She was very thorough and tender, she made sure I was good every step of the way. She did not hold back on the information... And to add, I did not make an appointment, I just walked in and got through. I didn't even have to wait for any long time. Book your slot now!

  • Abigail Parague

    Abigail Parague


    I did not book an appointment. I was a walk-in and I got through immediately!!! Dr. Roberts and the entire staff were so kind & responsive. My mom was working on her laptop while I was getting my teeth cleaned. The staff accommodated her with an extension cord as she worked in the cozy clean waiting room. There were several dental chairs with large partitions which added extra privacy for my dental procedure. It was honestly the most peaceful & affordable dental treatment in Kingston. So if you need high quality dental service with a touch of elegance, be sure to check out Boulevard Dental. You won’t be disappointed!

  • Heavenz Davis

    Heavenz Davis


    Went in for a cleaning and Mrs. French was extremely thorough and professional. I was very pleased with the outcome. Had an examination after with Dr. Roberts who provided the information for me exceptionally well. This was my first visit and will now be my go-to dentist.

  • Althea Williams

    Althea Williams


    My experience with Dr Roberts was amazing. She is very professional and explained my entire treatment . She definitely has a gentle touch. Dr Roberts helped me overcome my fear of the dentist. Definitely the best dentist ever. Will return and I will bring my entire family.

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