Essential Dental w Kingston

JamaicaEssential Dental



🕗 godziny otwarcia

76, Red Hills Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-372-6719
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0293313, Longitude: -76.8057888

komentarze 5

  • Aniesha B

    Aniesha B


    My favorite dental place. Staff is so warm welcoming and caring. 10/10 service!

  • Jah Morgan

    Jah Morgan


    Experience was amazing. Customer service representative Odele is fantastic, dentist Alex awesome ,friendly and very professional , dentist Ffrench my daughter says a big thank you. Continue to be the best in everything the entire team wants to be. Love always Reita and Sheyann 😘

  • Valentina Matthews

    Valentina Matthews


    I would recommend Essential Dental to anyone, great customer service the staffs are very welcoming. It was an amazing experience, normally id be a bit scared to visit the dentist but the professional Staff members are so friendly and gentle. Highly RECOMMEND❗

  • Marvia Scott

    Marvia Scott


    I had my appointment today and zero regrets for sure! The ambiance and cleanliness of the office was spectacular, and the professionalism of the staff was impeccable. Your friendly neighborhood dentist (Alex) and her awesome receptionist (Odel) ensured that my experience was nothing short of amazing. They were both very attentive and considerate. I will definitely be visiting again. Also, take advantage of their "New Patient Coupon" for the remainder of this month, where you get $5000 towards your treatment.

  • K Stephens

    K Stephens


    Really amazing customer service provided by the entire Essential Dental Team at 76RHR. So professional and courteous. Special shout out to Odelle who provided all the details I needed on my initial phone call and was extremely courteous and patient. My cleaning was thorough and pain free, they really did a excellent job!

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