Domino's w May Pen




🕗 godziny otwarcia

49, Main Street, May Pen, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-786-0555
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9686549, Longitude: -77.2429461

komentarze 5

  • Antonia Thompson

    Antonia Thompson


    The online ordering process is fairly easy and seamless. I love that once the order is made and paid for, you can track the progress of your order, which is great. It gives you an idea of how long your order will take to be ready so you can time your arrival for pick up. The only issue I have is that they do not make deliveries to the location where I made the order, but the website did suggest a location for pick.

  • Mellissa Snate

    Mellissa Snate


    I just went to the dominoes in Maypen and it was horrible. Pizza was okay but the buffalo wings was disgusting. I spent 7400 and not even a bottle of juice i did not get with my order. I do not recommend the wingsssss

  • Andrea Ross

    Andrea Ross


    Pizzas are usually good and garlic breads are.delicious, however delivery takes too long and pizzas are usually cold by they arrive. Some of the delivery guys are also very discourteous.

  • Stanecia Wynter

    Stanecia Wynter


    Pizza is nice, we all know that... So the food was good. The service... I'd say that was pretty good because I placed an order that would probably exceed 3k and the cashier explained to me that she was going to give me a special that would allow me the different things I'd ordered at a cheaper price because according to her, the order would be expensive otherwise. I didn't really know anything about ordering pizza there.. Just felt for pizza and went over. She got my order down to just over 2k and I got a free 2L soda, so... That's a definite thumbs up. The atmosphere... Wow... I'm not gonna lie. Wasn't a fan. As I stepped in, the A/C was the first thing that hit me. Every second in there felt like I was going to freeze. So it's a nice spot to "cool out" after a hot day and and if you can tolerate the cold. Otherwise, it was a relatively pleasant environment. Some of the tables were messy or wet, supposing no one cleaned up after the previous customers so I had to look around for a bit before finding somewhere to sit. The only tables that were clean were either occupied or had high stools to sit on and I wasn't about that life on the day. So in the end, I sat at a messy table, which was not very appealing and just used half the table. Overall, it was an ok experience. I'd give them 3.5-3.9/5

  • Jp Morgan

    Jp Morgan


    The wait time was way too long even though we ordered almost a hour ahead of arriving. Not only that but the final price differed from the online price. The seating area was comfortable and the staff seemed decent.

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