Tastee Limited w Spanish Town

JamaicaTastee Limited



🕗 godziny otwarcia

21, Burke Road, Spanish Town, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-984-5019
strona internetowej: www.tasteejamaica.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9910172, Longitude: -76.9552428

komentarze 5

  • Daniel Laing

    Daniel Laing


    Visited Tastees recent and even though not my first time eating patty, I have to share my wonderful experience of eating patty lol. The Tastee Patty is an epitome of Jamaican culinary excellence. The golden, flaky crust, perfectly encasing the flavorful filling, immediately transports you to a world of rich and authentic Jamaican spices. I opted for the classic beef patty, and I was not disappointed. The seasoned minced beef, perfectly melded with a symphony of herbs and spices, created a tantalizing burst of flavors with every bite. What sets Tastee Patty apart is the impeccable balance between the savory filling and the buttery, melt-in-your-mouth crust. The patty is generously sized, making it a satisfying and fulfilling snack or meal on its own. The warm and inviting aroma that wafts from the Tastee Patty store is enough to lure you in, and the taste surpasses all expectations. The service was quick, and the staff exuded genuine Jamaican hospitality. Whether you're a local or a visitor, Tastee Patty is a must-try for an authentic Jamaican culinary experience. It's a true gem that captures the essence of Jamaica in a single, delicious bite.

  • Patrice Williams

    Patrice Williams


    Security at Spanish Town tastee cumberland Rd she's a darling always pleasant and opening doors...... Service is great not to mention the patty👌🏾

  • Bethlyn A “BAB” Bryan

    Bethlyn A “BAB” Bryan


    I visited the Tastee franchise located at Angels, near Spanish Town. The food is pricey and not as good as it used to be. The beef patties were flat with very little meat. They also seem to be lacking the flavor that made Tastee the pastry of choice to both local and international meat lovers.

  • Shaneica Jhagroo

    Shaneica Jhagroo


    It was full when I went there me mean ram but they moved very quickly I was shocked the patty was good the donut was good loved that donut from primary school days the atmosphere is how I remember it.

  • Gracie-ann Kerr-Bailey

    Gracie-ann Kerr-Bailey


    Ok when you go to a place like tastee you want food, but man the line seems to always stop at the door, relax the workers seem to work quickly so thats a relief...and the patties are fresh. So prepare for a little wait

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