Essential Medical Services w Kingston

JamaicaEssential Medical Services



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105, Red Hills Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-924-7339
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 18.034324, Longitude: -76.811801

komentarze 5

  • Michael Edwards

    Michael Edwards


    The experience here was good. Spent about 45 minutes inside as I was behind 2 other patients so that wasn’t bad. The atmosphere is nice and the staff is almost like family there. They even have a kiddie area for the little ones to sit and even have fun while they wait. They are located inside the Red Hills Mall plaza downstairs after the perfume store which is the second door on your left by the entrance.

  • Ophelia Heron

    Ophelia Heron


    I was at the doctor’s office for a little over 4 hours. If I wanted to wait that long, I would've gone to a healthcare centre which would've done the very same thing they did. I gave it this much stars because the doctor was nice (as she should be) and the customer service from the front desk workers was okay. Office had an A/C and the place was kept clean but I don't think I'll be going back here because of the wait time.

  • Karen Thompson

    Karen Thompson


    I read many of the reviews her and person's are reviewing the mall and not the actual medical office. Essential Medical Services is when I take care of most my medical needs under 1 roof. My kids see the pediatrician these, I see the gynocologist and family doctor plus this is the only place I do labs because I am scared of the needle and they do it when it does not hurt. This nurses are friendly and I always feel comfortable and safe no matter how sick I am. The have a comprehensive data base of My previous visit, labs and doctor's note so I do not have to give back ground information when I see a new doctor there.

  • Zhenya Wallace

    Zhenya Wallace


    I must say the thought of being unwell and having to go to the doctor is not as traumatizing as it was before since I've chosen Essential Medical Services as my health care provider. The service is phenomenal! They cater to both the physical and mental being and they do it with love; YES LOVE! I don't feel like just another patient going to see the doctor, I feel like their whole purpose is centered around making me my best self in all areas. This type of treatment is one in a million! Another big plus is their fees are very affordable and they try to minimize the waiting time as much as possible. Highly recommended!

  • Kevin Bradfield

    Kevin Bradfield


    The staff is professional and courteous. The wait time isn't bad either. I estimate the average patient time is 15 minutes. They have toys for kids to keep them at ease.

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