MegaMart Kingston w Kingston

JamaicaMegaMart Kingston



🕗 godziny otwarcia

10, Upper Waterloo Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-969-3899
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0239432, Longitude: -76.7919824

komentarze 5

  • DJ Emperass

    DJ Emperass


    Lovely big supermarket that had everything i needed to buy . You pay for cigarettes at the till then walk over to another counter to pick them up. I guess they have a problem with theft of cigarettes but alcohol is freely displayed around the store. Plenty of parking

  • Ruth Sanmoogan

    Ruth Sanmoogan


    It's a very huge supermarket with a decent variety of products. The prices are high unfortunately for most if not all products there. I would recommend it to persons that don't mind spending extra and like convenience given its spacious.

  • Mark Botelho

    Mark Botelho


    Wow great one stop shop. Everything you need under one roof, with plenty of parking.

  • glimmers gordon

    glimmers gordon


    I dont know if it was the location, but everything seemed overpriced compared to regular grocery stores. The store was clean tidy, except for the water area. It was confusing that there were all types of different waters at the wrong places with the prices missing. The cash staff was not as friendly or as helpful as the floor staff. The food court has reasonably priced food.

  • Natasha Spence

    Natasha Spence


    My go to place for lunch, but I don't have any pic of the meals. I like the fact that we can mix the flavour chicken without paying extra. The barbie fry is good. I also get pastries here

najbliższy Supermarket

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