Maxim w Kingston




🕗 godziny otwarcia

10, Eastwood Park Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-906-4204
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0180373, Longitude: -76.7972013

komentarze 5

  • NURSE White

    NURSE White


    The prices are really competitive. Makes shopping more affordable. BUT- The atmosphere needs to be tidier are definitely better lighting. The staff was very helpful and cordial. Good experience.

  • Exie Jarrett

    Exie Jarrett


    Good prices, good variation in products, ample parking , friendly staff, conveniently located. If you're a HI LO shopper you can look for a 30% savings when comparing Apple's and oranges

  • Keith Williams

    Keith Williams


    For an uptown supermarket I find Maxim to be a reasonable or cheap place to shop. The supposedly owner(s) are flexible in satisfying their customers need. And the employees, I find them to be very helpful in assisting customers to locate the items there are looking for. You just have to be careful when entering or leaving the compound seeing that it is on a main road near a corner.

  • Hubert Rowe

    Hubert Rowe


    Well stocked and I fine most single items a lot cheaper than in the regular supermarket. You even get additional discounts when buying 3 or more of the same items. Great place to shop.

  • Andre Carby

    Andre Carby


    Maxim is a wholesale/retail type supermarket, with a large variety of items but In my opinion because of the whole sales side of the business, they only really stock the most popular items. So for example, if you're looking for mozzarella cheese, you won't find it here but you will be able to get cheddar or Tastee's cheese. Still a good place to shop and prices are reasonable.

najbliższy Supermarket

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