Fresh Approach Supermarket w Kingston

JamaicaFresh Approach Supermarket



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5, Dominica Drive, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-754-4215
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0067324, Longitude: -76.7897101

komentarze 5

  • Elaine Lieard

    Elaine Lieard


    Staff are polite especially the Ras and price are very good and the have a little bit of everything in a shopping centre that is beautifully built

  • latoya henry

    latoya henry


    Its a unique way to provide products that a lot of jamaicans have never seen before. I especially was fascinated by the section that had a variety of asian food products. I understood nothing except the pictures and this in turn piques my interest to learn a few more languages.

  • LeftAne Capricorn

    LeftAne Capricorn


    I was advised that the cost to fill water bottles start at $30 upwards, depending on the size of the bottle. Twice before today I was able to fill a 4 litre bottle for $80. The 6 litres is for $120. Today I was told that you don't fill that size (4 litres). How can this be? It is ridiculous! There was a gentleman standing by in a Fresh Approach shirt who I heard suggesting that the lady used the 6 litre bottle to even fill the 4 litres....instead she shut him down because you don't fill that size. Seriously!? There are 2 litres difference between a 4 and a 6 litre. I was paying for the water and yet this was the response I got, even though I got it filled twice before. The funny thing is the cashier and the water person who assisted me prior were not there today. That lady has no sense of customer service, marketing or good judgment. I hope she learns and if she is the one reading this review, then all the better. I need to get my 4 litre bottle filled.

  • Claud Bee

    Claud Bee


    I prefer the Constant Spring location. Though this location is clean, neat, modern and one of the few supermarkets in New Kingston (John R Wong) is the other, I still prefer the Constant Spring location. This location also does not have as much variety as the Constant Spring location. Personally, I haven't experienced any bad customer service at the New Kingston location as other reviewers but that does not mean it does not need improvement.

  • Patrice L. C. Williams

    Patrice L. C. Williams


    Quaint, clean and conveniently placed for professionals in the New Kingston area. Has basic items but also some nifty niche Chinese items as well. Cashiers are not very friendly but they are efficient which is the important part.

najbliższy Supermarket

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