Pioneer meats w Kingston

JamaicaPioneer meats



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Melrose Avenue, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-968-9213
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9997927, Longitude: -76.802328

komentarze 5

  • Blackbeauty Josephs

    Blackbeauty Josephs


    From the service to the package of my orders was done to perfection!! Definitely coming back💯👌🏿

  • Natasha Martin

    Natasha Martin


    Love em. The best in all meats and the service was quick. You can order and leave meat for cutting and processing which is great. All credit and debit cards are accepted with a valid ID so you don't have to use your cash if you do not want to

  • Lisa Bowman

    Lisa Bowman


    The staff and service here is very good. The only thing is first encounters could easily be daunting if you were to allow the rudeness of the security to turn you away. Just look past him and go inside where you will find he is just working and only there to collect for his job. Not affiliated with the actual business inside that provides excellent service and meats

  • Chrissy



    I purchase from this company every year for staff and intermittently throughout the year for my household. I recommend quite of few people as well. Quality products, mostly. Clean service area considering they deal with meat products. Customer service is hit or miss except from the few seasoned workers who remains (great service). Staff turn over is one of the highest I have seen and the Management does not use the human capital as best as they could. They need to look at seasonal workers as November to December the office staff seems overwhelmed. Their internal issues aside, once they keep giving quality products i will continue to buy. Management needs to give thought to the image of the company though, as they are not using the seasoned workers to their best advantage and for me, the jury is still out on the newest Management of this place.

  • Ouida Grant

    Ouida Grant


    Service was great. The bacon is different from all others I have had in years real nice old time taste that wakes up the taste buds. I will be back after Christmas to tell you if the ham is as good as the bacon.

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