Hi-Lo Food Stores w Kingston

JamaicaHi-Lo Food Stores



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5, Old Hope Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-926-7171
strona internetowej: hilofoodstoresja.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9952524, Longitude: -76.7871906

komentarze 5

  • Cheryl Harris

    Cheryl Harris


    It's good ,it's convenient but they need to do better on some of these items the price are too high.

  • Appz



    Love the ambiance, customer service is pretty good especially two main reps who have always attended to my rriend and I.. prices could be lowered a bit more which would make it the place for my shopping needs.

  • Careena Phillipson

    Careena Phillipson


    Hilo is a good supermarket. Prices are decent and the staff are friendly. You can just about find anything in Hilo. There is a cashier that is hearing impaired however so be kind 💗

  • Michael Edwards

    Michael Edwards


    They have a variety of food items to choose from. The place is very cool and the traffic isn't so bad. As an added bonus they have an atm inside the store in case you need cash. They also have ample parking available but during rush hours THE PARKING PROVES INSUFFICIENT. The last time I went there were persons who would check on you and ask if you need any assistance in finding anything. All in all.... I'D RECOMMEND.

  • meandpcos Jamaica

    meandpcos Jamaica


    I expected more from them, I don't know why each time I go there it just has this aura like it's on the edge of closing down or maybe it's just that I had too many high hopes for them. However you can get what you need at a not so friendly cost (the fruits prices are ridiculous though)

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