First Caribbean Bank w Mandeville

JamaicaFirst Caribbean Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2FQR+QVQ, Mandeville, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 9622619
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0394735, Longitude: -77.5077686

komentarze 5

  • larren neil

    larren neil


    The don't open on Saturdays like what 💀

  • Miss H

    Miss H


    The one star review is based on the banking infrastructure, the amount of time it took to open up an account, the exorbitant wait times, and the size of the actual location in relation to the banking community that they are trying to serve. As a foreign national, I have been a CIBC customer for over 20 years, when I called ahead (from Canada) to inquire what I needed to open up an account at this branch, I was told specifics. I brought such specifics with me on day one. After waiting over 5 1/2 hours on FIRST day, my account was still not open. Prior to leaving the bank that day I was assured that someone would call me to let me know the additional documents that were requested at that time were indeed received via email. My SECOND visit was not as long (only 3.5 hours) and when I left (as they were locking the doors behind us) my account was still not opened. The additional documents that I had sent, resent, and resent again, were never received. It appeared that Mandeville’s Internet across the whole town had been down and nobody took the time to call me. On my THIRD and final visit (I vowed, I would not go back if the account was not opened ) I made sure to use my vacation time (as with the other visits) to hunt down a place that would print off my documents so I could have them in hand. **Refer back to my first paragraph; I had brought everything that I was told I required (by a FCIB EMPLOYEE) prior to leaving Canada** When approaching the same customer care representative (that I got to be on a first name basis with over the course of three visits & 7+ hours) I informed her if there was not a satisfactory result in a specific timeframe, I would cancel my application. Interestingly enough it only took 2 hours to complete my application after 3 individual visits. I left with my account number and the “promise” of my bank card to be mailed to me in 6/8 weeks 🤨 The personal apology received from the bank manager (after this three day ordeal) did not make a positive impression. What banking institution in the whole entire globe, takes so long to open up a personal checking account? If my future retirement goals were not so important to me, the tenacity and, single-minded pursuit that I displayed throughout this ordeal would have been null and void in this situation. **Mrs. Lee & her male counterpart manning the front door while wielding their spray bottles are EXCEPTIONAL employees**

  • Adrian M Levy

    Adrian M Levy


    First Caribbean Mandeville and most other branches offer a fine balance between customer service and banking rates. So their rates aren't exorbitant and the staff does make that extra effort to satisfy the customer. Like with most financial institutions in Jamaica the tellers are usually outnumbered by the amount customer waiting. However, since their customer base is smaller than the larger banks, the wait tends to be marginally shorter. Branches are usually clean and relatively comfortable.

  • Shamoya Taylor

    Shamoya Taylor


    There are too many modifications/issues that have to be done through going in branch and dealing with customer care, where on any given day only one representative is working. This means if you're not willing to SPEND HOURS awaiting to have your issue addressed, don't bother going to speak with customer care. There needs to be more push to have some modifications made online or through their app

  • Jhenelle



    I went to an ABM that wasn't cibc because you guys don't have any up in may pen town which is a major inconvenience, unfortunately it took my Visa debit card which is not expired. I'm located in May pen as it states on my account. I went to CIBC in may pen and they explained it would take awhile to get my card back which I was ok with but I told them I needed my funds. I was told that, because my account was created in Mandeville, they had to seek approval from you guys first. I waited for a request from 10:30am to 2:30pm, the bank even closed and up until leaving the bank I hadn't gotten that approval from CIBC Mandeville. I left the may pen branch disgruntled, unappreciated, sad, angry and frustrated. I didn't even have fare to go home, the funds were to buy food for my family and I. Shame on you Mandeville CIBC, I will be closing my account soon.

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