JN Bank w Christiana

JamaicaJN Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Christiana, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-906-5343
strona internetowej: www.jnbank.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.1739674, Longitude: -77.4912543

komentarze 5

  • sissil baxter

    sissil baxter


    Parking is inadequate. Miss South, who is directing customers, is clearly being overworked! The lines in the front space are way too long. Banking at JN needs a lot of improvements! This is the 21st century!

  • Jennifer Thorpe

    Jennifer Thorpe


    Waiting time is so long I stand and if to wait outside then inside is the same o observe a clerk taking care of a custom for almost 63 minutes that is not good

  • Murine Smith

    Murine Smith


    Make sure your US dollars is the latest version. With absolutely no tear not even the smallest and definitely no marks. Not even a single digit else it will be rejected. When asked why? Oh, its BOJ requirement, to my surprise. It can be very humiliating. Especially, when you can overheard whispering. Hey, a counterfeit money she a carry come from foreign a expect sa them a go change it. Based on my experience, its two stars, please.

  • Lasonia Brady

    Lasonia Brady


    Went to the bank on monday october 28.2019..it took forever to get to the front of the line despite there was not alot of pwrsons in the bank and the teller merely disregarded the length of time i had to wait and gave me a piece of paper to right my info and shoves me aside to service someone else..then asked me for the same information that was on the piece of paper.this time of customer service in todays world is unacceptable

  • Colin Wilson

    Colin Wilson


    Fine Financial Institution ,very low fee or in some cases non at all.

najbliższy Bank

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