NCB w Christiana




🕗 godziny otwarcia

5GF5+VGH, Christiana, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-964-2235
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.1746985, Longitude: -77.4911294

komentarze 5

  • hope mckenzie

    hope mckenzie


    I have visited the bank everyday for one week, last October 2021, trying to get a new debit card. Everytime I went, I spend hours waiting on their system ,that is always down. Until now I have got my new debit card and their telephone number doesn't seem to work. If possible somebody please may I get the Christiana Branch fax number and telephone number please.




    The absolutely worst customer service. Simple tasks you are told to go online and their online system is constantly out of service. Waiting time in bank is very long and attitude of staff extremely laissez-faire. Only do business in this bank of you some hours to spare. 2nd time visiting in a week...waiting over a hour watching customer service personnel chatting on phone or going outside to get their friends in. Rant done. Might be easier to close account and transfer to Scotiabank

  • Maxine Wilson

    Maxine Wilson


    My last visit to NCB Christiana branch I spend more than 3 hours in the sun out side before it was time for me to go into the back to to do my transaction when I went inside to my surprise this big beautiful building has only 2 teller working at the time which the counter is equipped for either 5 or 6 tellers ,

  • Damion Morris

    Damion Morris


    They have a wide variety of products that caters for both local and international dishes; a good supply of fruits, vegetables and ground produce of great quality. The service and ambience is great and they offer competitive prices.

  • Shanteena Daley

    Shanteena Daley


    This branch is way out of my reach... have to take two taxis to bank my money... they should have at least leave the ABM in Spalding. Another thing... can't find this branch on the NBC website... trying to use the online banking is like getting a fist to the face.

najbliższy Bank

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