Four Seasons w Kingston

JamaicaFour Seasons


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

18, Ruthven Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-926-8805
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0079678, Longitude: -76.7944102

komentarze 5

  • Kaylyn Gooden

    Kaylyn Gooden


    Went for a workshop. Its quiet and windy. Nice lil atmosphere. Food was ok and service good. Parking can get tight. Was blocking 2 folks all day with security advised to get me promptly if needed. Luckily they needed me almost at the end. Can be used for small meetings/functions etc

  • Michele Corazza

    Michele Corazza


    Room was clean. I did not trie the restaurant yet. Maybe the food Is good. This evening i Will.

  • Allister Mills

    Allister Mills


    The experience was all around a great one. Thumbs up to all departments, a job well done! -MoEY Team member

  • Dale Josephs

    Dale Josephs


    Service was poor. Dirty wine glass was on the table and when the waiter was asked to change it he took forever and returned with the mark/stained gone but still smelling of alchoal.

  • A L

    A L


    My fiance and I stayed at Four Seasons for about 8 days. We went there for a wedding. We arrived very early in the morning (around 4 am) and was told that it is not policy to check in guests at that time. After a few minutes of conversation and showing some other proof that we did make note of the time we would be arriving, Gregory checked us in and gave us a beautiful poolside room. Everyday, while staying there, we were greeted with smiles and good gestures. The staff was very friendly and courteous. The food was better than most of the restaurants we visited, so we did not feel as if we were missing out in that regard. The service overall is excellent and nothing said can describe how much we appreciated the way we were treated and tended to. The location is awesome because we were able to get unto the main roads within a few minutes and getting back to the hotel felt safe. The surroundings are also a beautiful sight, so a little walking around would be ideal. Many of the members of staff would be indelible in our memories. Janet, one of the restaurant staff, was extremely helpful and friendly; she made us feel as if we were staying at our family's home. Gregory remained professional and courteous during every encounter. The management team is obviously incredibly organized and its vision is clear. One can feel the purpose of management and staff through the service, ambiance, and their response time to everything. We would recommend this hotel without hesitation. Love, Love, Love... Thank you all for a great time and we would definitely be returning soon. ❤️❤️💕😊😊 XOXO to everyone at Four Seasons.

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