Courtleigh Hotel and Suites w Kingston

JamaicaCourtleigh Hotel and Suites



🕗 godziny otwarcia

85, Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-929-9000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0041043, Longitude: -76.787915

komentarze 5

  • Wanderlust Travels

    Wanderlust Travels


    I recently had the pleasure of staying at Courtleigh Hotel & Suites and I must say, it was a truly exceptional experience. From the moment I arrived, I was greeted with a warm welcome and exceptional service that continued throughout my stay. The staff at Courtleigh were incredibly friendly and attentive, always going above and beyond to ensure my was perfect. From the tour guides who helped me with recommendations for local foods and attractions, to the housekeeping staff who kept my room spotless, everyone I encountered was top-notch. Overall, I can't recommend Courtleigh Hotel & Suites highly enough. It truly exceeded all of my expectations and I will definitely be returning in the future. Thank you for a fantastic stay!

  • Leri Bertonati

    Leri Bertonati


    The place is great, the service very good. Maybe a bit overpriced for what you get. You can tell the hotel is a bit old but is perfect for a quick stay!

  • Uriel Wiliiams

    Uriel Wiliiams


    From you enter the lobby, you feel welcomed with the cleanliness of the place. In addition to this, the staff gives you a very warm welcome which makes you feel special. The ambience is also great 👍 and meals on the menu very nice, especially the burgers, which are huge. Thus you get your money's worth. The servers are also normally courteous and helpful. I would definitely recommend this spot to just stop and have a snack or just lyme.

  • Red Reviews

    Red Reviews


    This is a great stop, especially for those doing business in the corporate area. The food choices are limited but it caters to the need to eat and move. Considerable choice. Overall 7/10.

  • Burgundy Roots Retreats

    Burgundy Roots Retreats


    This hotel is beautiful! Celia, the head of sales has been wonderful to work with for the last few years. She goes above and beyond and she’s the reason why we continue coming after all these years! I am a retreat organizer and have been coming to Jamaica for 12 years. We’ve been loyal customers because the rooms and service are excellent. The hotel is classy, with consistent upgrades in furniture. What I love about this hotel is that it has a vintage Jamaica, feel, while keeping up with contemporary elements. As a retreat, organizer, I know that coming to the Courleigh hotel, eases my mind from any problems that may arise. And for that, they have a loyalty, and we will continue to support this locally owned boutique hotel.

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