S Hotel Kingston w Kingston

JamaicaS Hotel Kingston



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Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
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1, Saint Lucia Avenue, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-926-0000
strona internetowej: www.shotelkingston.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0081552, Longitude: -76.7839076

komentarze 5

  • Dirty Harry

    Dirty Harry


    Went there for breakfast on Sunday. Food was very tasty but could have been warmer. Good service as well.

  • yedidah T yehudah

    yedidah T yehudah


    This was my second stay at Spanish Court and was 9nights total. The property is absolutely wonderful., very clean and chic, artwork amazing. The food was fantastic and I had Jamaican food everyday. The food service staff accommodated my vegan requests daily and made sure I was happy. The staff, including managers, supervisors were the kindest and most pleasant all day, everyday. These people genuinely care about the guests and give each guest their undivided attention. I love this property and it is now my home when I travel to Kingston.

  • Shardae Forbes

    Shardae Forbes


    I had a wonderful time here the staff is wonderful the location is great there is a supermarket right across the street everything is near by. I would love to go back.. the only reason I gave the room a 4 star because i would love a microwave inside..

  • Althea Morgan

    Althea Morgan


    Our time at the Spanish Court hotel was excellent. Every member of staff we interacted with was courteous, friendly, and served us exceptionally well and appeared happy in their work. The hotel has a cozy and comfortable feel and the decor is tasteful. The authentic Jamaican breakfast was a phenomenal way to start each day. Rooms are spacious, clean & comfortable. The daily room service was most welcome. We have had a great experience overall and henceforth will stay here whenever we are in Kingston.

  • Wagner Castro

    Wagner Castro


    Overall, my experience at the Spanish Court Hotel in Kingston, Jamaica was exceptional. The attentive, professional, and diligent staff made my stay truly enjoyable. The modern rooms, comfortable beds, and convenient work desk catered perfectly to both relaxation and productivity. The swimming pool provided a relaxing environment to unwind, with the added bonus of enjoying a refreshing drink. However, I rated it 4 stars due to the pricing, which I found to be slightly higher compared to similar hotels. Nevertheless, the delicious breakfast served each morning rounded out the experience nicely.

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